Welcome to my new blog! Here you will find all my musings, recipes, photos, reviews and thoughts, all on my very favourite subject... food! I have been food blogging far too infrequently for about 4 years now, over on my previous blog 'Feeding My Inner Fatty'. As I was designing my new cake website, I felt a fresh start all around would be just the kick I needed to get back into the blogging habit! So whether you're an old follower who's joined me on my journey or you've just stumbled across my ramblings, welcome!
I had made multiple promises to myself to be an avid and frequent blogger this year, promises I thoroughly intend to keep! So for now, I shall leave you with a few photos of my favourites creations, brunches, dinners and bakes from last year, whilst I start to plan all the blog posts to come! Enjoy...